The victory celebration of Manasikarn as New Unseen destination.
Recently Manasiakrn Hall has been granted the title as one of the “NEW UNSEEN destinations of Thailand” which got voted as No.1 of the country.
The victory celebration took place on July 1-2, 2023. It began with the procession “Honoring Victory” parade with over 100 participants, proclaiming victory and offering homage to Lord Buddha, adorned in traditional Thai attire from the four regions, carrying the royal flag and a Thai victory drum, along with delicate offerings. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phra Thep Prawatmethi, Assistant Abbot of Wat Prayurawongsawat, Deputy Dean of Administration, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, presided over the monk procession and the venerable monks, including the Abbot of Kaeng Khoi Temple, joined the ceremony, along with many Buddhist followers.
Following that were various performances throughout the two days, including traditional performances, Joe Louis puppet show, jazz music from the Saraburi Jazz Community, and performances by the children of Saraburi.
On the evening of Saturday, July 1st, participants were mesmerized by the spectacular victory fireworks display, Manasikarn Hall as the backdrop for the first time.
Manasikarn Hall would like to express gratitude to everyone once again for being part of the success of Saraburi province in this event.