On 20 January 2024 at Manasikarn Hall. The casting ceremony was presided over by Venerable Phra Khun Chao Sanchai Jittapalo. He was joined by his assistant Venerable Phra Khun Chao Amorn Kunawuttho (Phrommin) and 19 other Buddhist monks. Vipassana Master Acharavadee Wongsakon presided over the ceremony as a representative for laypeople. The ceremony started with the offering of monk robes and flower garlands to the Buddha, followed by everyone chanting prayer of the Five Precepts.
Before the beginning of a ritual from small ones like daily meditation to major events like this, Buddhists usually chant the precepts to declare an intention to stay clear of all bad things whether in thoughts, words, or actions for at least as long as the activity lasts. The purpose is not only for merit, but also to remind oneself of the importance of the activity the person is about to perform.
The materials used for the casting ceremony included genuine gold, coconut flowers bouquet offering from the opening ceremony of Manasikan Hall, jewelry pieces, the plate of Chinnabanchon Prayer, and earth taken from the Buddhist Pilgrimage Sites in India. All the materials received holy power and blessings from Venerable Phra Khun Chao Sanchai, Venerable Phra Khun Chao Amorn, and Master Acharavadee before being poured into a mold for creating the first 7 Phra Borommalokkanat Buddha Statues. At the end of the ceremony, there was a sprinkling of popped rice, flowers, and chanting of prayers.
The reason the plate of Chinnabanchon prayer was selected as a main material is because this ancient prayer was modified and introduced to Thai Buddhists by Techo Vipassana Spiritual Grand Master Somdej Phra Phuttachan Toh Phromrangsri. The Grand Master was born during the King Rama I reign and has remained one of Thailand’s Most Revered Buddhist Monks. The Chinnabanchon prayer is among the prayers with the highest protective power against evil and danger.
Beyond the glorious facet of any religious ceremonies lie great merit, particularly the construction of religious structures and images. This is because those people had contributed in leaving the legacy of goodness to the world. However, if their intention was impure, but mainly to gain fame, praise or simply to accumulate merit for personal benefits, their merit will be much less.
In a typical Buddhist custom, everyone at the ceremony said Anumodhana Sadhu to one another to revel in joy for having participated in this great merit-making ceremony.